we design custom solutions for your physical records organizing needs
gain space by discarding and moving records off-site based on records guidelines
save time by having us review, maintain, file, and archive your records
reduce stress by working with experienced records management company
executive offices
team member offices
file rooms
storage rooms
records management strategy / guidance / custom manuals
apply records retention and records disposition schedules to your records
work hands-on side-by-side with your team members on records maintenance
independently maintain physical records
prepare records to be sent to archives and records centers
create File Plans for departments/offices
organize, inventory and label records
coordinate logistics for any needed transferring or moving of records
initial Project Assessment Email or Call
to schedule initial call or ask questions – Contact Us
Project Assessment Meeting (preferably on-site)
provide a draft proposal with scope, project costs and schedule
revise proposal based on client feedback
check, credit card (Visa/Mastercard) and purchase order accepted
kick-off and begin your long over-due records management project!
note: work in the Washington, DC metropolitan area but will travel nationally
note: currently in