The following are what I believe are the top 10 attributes of highly productive people:
Good at Estimating Time – Know how long tasks will take before committing to them
Stop Doing (or Don’t Begin) Lower Priority Items – Say ‘no’ without feeling guilty
Delegate – Know what to delegate and how to delegate
Not a Perfectionist – There is such a thing as “good enough”
Define Goals – Hard to determine where to spend your time, if you haven’t defined your goals
Create Time for Priorities – There are ways to find or create pockets of time for priorities
Break Down Tasks – Projects can be hard to begin if you haven’t broken it into steps
Follow a Schedule – Time-boxing activities and respecting everyone’s time
Work Life Balance – It is easy to burn-out if there is no balance
Prioritize – Need a method for deciding what is most important
If you need help in personally obtaining any of these attributes and increasing your own personal productivity, let Cocozza Organizing & Design, LLC design a solution and plan for you.